Kamis, 26 April 2012

unit 5: lesson 2

Financial accounting

1.      Jelaskan general ledger
Buku besar merupakan kumpulan akun atau perkiraan yang saling berkaitan. Buku besar berisi kumpulan akun yang terdapat dalam pembukuan perusahaan. Kumpulan akun tersebut berasal dari pencatatan jurnal umum yang terjadi selama periode tertentu.
2.      General ledger posting merupakan hasil dari....

3.      Tiga tingkatan dalam general ledger
Master data, transaction data, reporting.

4.      Jelaskan hubungannya dengan cost accounting
Akuntasi biaya yaitu proses pencatatan, penggolongan, penyajian biaya pembuatan dan penjualan produk atau jasa, dengancara-cara tertentu, serta penafsiran terhadapnya, objek kegiatan akuntasi biaya adalah biaya.

5.      the integration of posting data is reflected in...
the general legder through subsidiary ledger

6.      Gambarkan financial accounting 

7.      Jelaskan a shared database
A shared database means:
·         Non redundant data creation and maintance
·         Documentation and review system that can be clearly verified at any time
·         Complete access to all applications
·         Reporting and information system that can be fully customized

8.      Jelaskan account receivable dan peranannya
Accounts Receivable manages the accounting data of all customers. It is also an integral part of sales management.
All postings in Accounts Receivable are also recorded directly in the General Ledger. Different G/L accounts are updated depending on the transaction involved (for example, receivables, down payments, and bills of exchange). The system provides a range of tools that you can use to monitor open items, such as account analyses, alarm reports, due date lists, and a flexible dunning program. You can configure the correspondence required to suit your requirements. This is also the case for payment notices, balance confirmations, account statements, and interest calculations. The incoming payment can be assigned to the receivables due by means of easy to use screen functions or electronically (EDI).
The payment program can automatically carry out direct debiting and down payments.
There are a range of tools available for documenting the transactions that occur in Accounts Receivable, including balance lists, journals, balance audit trails, and other evaluations. When drawing up financial statements, the items in foreign currency are revalued, customers who are also vendors are listed, and the balances on the accounts are sorted by remaining life.
Accounts receivable is not only one of the branches of accounting that forms the basis of adequate and orderly accounting. It also provides the data required for effective credit management, (as a result of its close integration with the Sales and Distribution component), as well as important information for optimizing liquidity planning (through its link to Cash Management).
You can use this business process to enter (customer) down payment requsts and down payments, post outgoing invoices, view the postings to the respective customer account, post manual incoming payments, and clear down payments received.

9.      Gambarkan account receivable

10.  Jelaskan account payable
SAP R/3 F1 account payable component managers accounting data for all vendors. Iy is also an integral component of the acquisition process.

11.  Jelaskan accounting document dan jenis-jenisnya
Accounting document divided 2 type :
·         Original document
·         Processing document
12.  Berikan contoh accounting document 
·         Receipts
·         Invoice
·         Check
·         Bank statement

13.  Berikan contoh processing document
·         Accounting document
·         Sample document
·         Recurring entry document

14.  Jelaskan Payment dan hubungannya dengan enter document
When you enter document, the system check whether the minimum account assignments have been made. For examp document data, posting data.

15.  Jelaskan travel management and expense reimbursement
Trips cost time and money noy only for the person travelling,but for everyone involved in the planning, approving, verifiying and accounting of trips. But now travel management is expected to support all the business process involved in the business trip in one single procedure.

16.  Jelaskan payment and transfer to payroll ac
Payment of expenses can be accomplished via financial accounting, pay roll accounting or data mediumexchangewith credit institutions.

unit 5 : lesson 1

1. Jelaskan keterkaitan antara modul SAP R/3 accounting system dengan modul yang lainnya dalam SAP

2. Jelaskan peran dari modul  SAP R/3 accounting system

3. Jelaskan bagaimana  SAP R/3 accounting system di setiap negara?
untuk comapnies internasional, SAP R/3 menawarkan fleksibel perangkat lunak yang dapat digunakan di berbagai negara. sistem memenuhi kebutuhan negara-negara industri utama dunia dengan pendekatan multi-bahasa, mata uang yang fleksibel penanganan, dan fungsi negara tertentu untuk pajak, pelaporan dan transaksi pembayaran

4. Sebutkan komponen dari  SAP R/3 accounting system
-financial accounting
-corporate finance management
-profitability and sales accounting
-product cost controlling
-overhead cost controlling

5. Sebutkan komponen Financial Accounting (F1)
-G/L accounting
-accounts payable and accounts receivable
-asset accounting

6. Sebutkan komponen Corporate Finance Management (CFM)
-corporate finance management
-treasury management enterprise controlling includes :
-executive information system
-profit center accounting
-legal consolidation

7. Sebutkan Profitability and sales accounting
-profitability analysis 

8. Sebutkan komponen Product Cost Controlling 
-product cost planning
-cost object controlling 

9. Sebutkan komponen Overhead Cost Controlling 
-cost centers
-internal orders
-activity-based costing

10 Jelaskan Investment management 
Memungkinkan company-wide penanaman modal dalam perencanaan dan pengendalian individu upaya penanaman modal

11. Jelaskan Project management 
memungkinkan efisien perencanaan, biaya-sensitif kontrol, dan berorientasi target pelaksanaan proyek-proyek dengan komprehensif integrasi dengan mengendalikan dan logistik

12. Jelaskan Generkal Ledger
 Suatu kumpulan akun yang telah di golongkan atau dikelompokakn berdasarkan sifat, tujuan, dan mencatat transaksi keuanagn untuk menyusun sebuah laporan keuangan yang menjadi pertanggung jawban sebuah perusahaan pengelola.
13. Balance sheet
 Laporan neraca adalah salah satu laporan keuangan dalam akuntansi yang menunjukan keadaan keuangan secara sistematis dari suatu perusahaan pada saat tertentu dengan cara menyajikan daftar aktiva, utang dan modal pemilik perusahaan.
14. Loss statement
 adalah bagian dari laporan keuangan suatu perusahaan yang dihasilkan pada suatu periode akuntansi yang menjabarkan unsur-unsur pendapatan dan beban perusahaan sehingga menghasilkan suatu laba (atau rugi) bersih
15. bagaimana master syarat  sistem akuntansi yang efektif?

16. Jelaskan konsep-konsep company, company code, business area, functional area, profit center
company : Ini mewakili sebuah badan hukum secara mandiri terdiri atas satu atau lebih perusahaan kode
company code: ini mewakili pandangan hukum pajak perusahaan. Kalender fiskal, mata uang lokal, dan persyaratan pelaporan pajak menentukan desain, lengkap dan didamaikan sistem pelacakan
business area : ini membantu menggambarkan struktur internal untuk segmen eksternal pelaporan. Anda menggunakan wilayah bisnis untuk menganalisis item dipilih neraca dan laporan laba rugi untuk produk divisi atau struktur regional
functional area : daerah ini menampilkan laporan laba rugi menurut akuntansi biaya penjualan. ini adalah perbandingan periode akuntansi, yang berbeda tergantung pada permintaan
profit center : dengan desain yang fleksibel, istilah ini mengontrol digunakan untuk menggambarkan daerah internal tanggung jawab. objek kesiapan operasi perusahaan yang ditugaskan untuk keuntungan pusat

17. chart of account
sistem klasifikasi didefinisikan oleh nilai-nilai akuntansi untuk merekam atau nilai flows. terlebih , grafik account menjamin render rekening yang benar

18. jelaskan fungsi-fungsi yang dapat dijalankan oleh chart of account 
as an operational chart of accounts : berisi rekening saat ini digunakan dalam transaksi sehari-hari dengan sistem. Hal ini memungkinkan seragam, seluruh perusahaan klasifikasi transaksi bisnis
as a local chart of accounts : berisi account yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi hukum reqirements. posting data dapat diwakili berdasarkan perkembangan negara, kriteria penggolongan standar
as a group chart of accounts :
berisi semua account yang berlaku di seluruh Grup korporat. posting data dapat diproses atau diwakili berdasarkan persyaratan eksternal kelompok akuntansi

19. Jelaskan customer master data
Catatan master pelanggan berisi semua informasi yang kebutuhan perusahaan untuk hubungannya bisnis dengan pelanggan. data ini mengontrol prosedur posting dan pengolahan berikutnya, seperti pembayaran dan dunning

20. Jelaskan struktur master record untuk customer master data
general data: Data ini adalah sama-sama relevan untuk setiap company kode dan setiap organisasi penjualan dalam perusah
data for company codes : data ini mencerminkan perjanjian khusus perusahaan dengan pelanggan
data fo sales : data ini memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda untuk organisasi penjualan milik perusahaan dan saluran

21. Jelaskan vendor master — account payable 
Catatan master vendor berisi semua informasi yang dibutuhan perusahaan untuk hubungan bisnis dengan vendor. data ini mengontrol transaksi posting serta pengolahan posting data

22. Jelaskan yang disediakan oleh vendor master — account payable
-Ikhtisar dari semua data untuk vendor tertentu.
-akses data yang fleksibel.
-data dasar yang digunakan untuk mengontrol transaksi pembayaran dan untuk mewakili proses bisnis. Selain itu, catatan master vendor fleksibel desain cocok untuk kebutuhan khusus

23. Jelaskan general data
Termasuk alamat dan data telekomunikasi , vendor umum informasi serta rincian bank

24. Jelaskan Company code data
mencakup kebijakan khusus perusahaan mengenai pembayaran transaksi, dunning prosedur, dan korespondensi informasi. data ini termasuk yang disepakati pada syarat-syarat pembayaran dan metode pembayaran

25. Jelaskan Purchasing organization data
termasuk penyelidikan, ketertiban, dan faktur verifikasi informasi. data ini hanya diperlukan jika menggunakan sistem sap functions. data ini dapat ditambahkan atau diubah setiap saat Anda inginkan

26. Jelaskan asset management
asset management : meningkatkan otomatisasi membuat perencanaan dan pengawasan aset tetap untuk tujuan eksternal dan internal akuntansi yang pernah lebih penting. di samping murni akuntansi dan neraca persiapan, ada persyaratan yang luas untuk mengendalikan dan pemeliharaan pemantauan

27. jelaskan asset class, asset master record
asset class : kelas aset mendukung penataan dan klasifikasi aset tetap. Nilai umum pusat , seperti klasifikasi kriteria kunci kehidupan , depresiasi dan bermanfaat data untuk penilaian kekayaan bersih

28. Jelaskan account balance 
Tampilan baris item memberikan ikhtisar terbuka, dibersihkan, dan biasa ditaruh di rekening. Anda menentukan mana informasi tentang masing-masing item baris yang akan ditampilkan di layar

Rabu, 11 April 2012

SAP unit 6: Human Capital Management

1. Sebutkan fungsi-fungsi human capital management!
To compete effectively, and you can maximize the value of your employees and align employee skills, activity, and incentives with business objectives and strategies.
2. Outline the task associated within my SAP ERP HCM
3. Explain how SAP within mySAP HCM supports key process in HCM
    mySAP ERP HCM provides the tools to manage, measure, and reward individual and team contributions.
4. Differentiate between SAP HR organizational element and master data
5. Describe an orgazational plan and identify its organizational elements
You create an organizational plan, which is comprehensive and dynamic model of the structural and personnel environment in your enterprise. Its have some of the key terms used in Organizational Management that same with organizational elements.
6. Describe the manager's desktop and the functions it supports
7. List the recruitment activities and functions that drive a successful recruitment plan
A typical process in Recruitment may involve the following steps :
· The vacant positions are published in job advertisements.
· The applicants’ data is entered in system (name, address, qualifications, applicants’ number, and so on).
· A complex selection process takes place, culminating in a decision being made.
· The employment contracts are generated for the applicants who are to be hired.
· The applicant data is transferred to HCM master data.
8. Describe how personnel time is managed and evaluated in the human resources module
By the process of recording employee’s activity and development. The Time Management component supports you in all processes that concern planning, recording, and valuating employees’ attendance and absence times.
9. Define how payroll is managed within an organization using the human resources component
mySAP ERP Financial have the record of employee’s activity and its calculate employee’s remuneration for the work that they performed.
10.Manfaat dari modul mySAP HCM
Mempermudah dan mempersingkat waktu untuk segala kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan tenaga kerja bagi suatu perusahaan.
11.Gambarkan proses mySAP HCM

12.Gambarkan the organizational plan

13. Jelaskan konsep-konsep organizational unit, job, position, persons
position, persons
· Organizational unit describe the various business units in your organization. Several organizational units, along with their relationships, make up the organizational structure. Organizational units can be divided according to functional or regional criteria, for example.
· Job are general descriptions or templates that apply to several positions with comparable requirements, tasks, and characteristics.
· Position is the smallest organ
izational units of the organizational structure. They represent the distribution of tasks amongst individual employees in the organization. Position is occupied by person.
· Persons occupy positions within the organizational structure. They represent the employees in your organization.

14. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan recuitment dan sumbernya
The process from entering applicant data to staffing a position. This applies both to external applicants, that is, new hires, and to internal employees changing position.
15. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan vacancies
Being unoccupied, emptiness, not filled, empty, an unoccupied position or job.
16.Jelaskan gambaran from vacancy to hiring
Vacancy                                  job advertisement                                applicant

Hiring as employee                Applicant correspondence                 Profile matchup

17.Jelaskan. Typical process in recruitment                                              
A typical process in Recruitment may involve the following steps :
· The vacant positions are published in job advertisements.
· The applicants’ data is entered in system (name, address, qualifications, applicants’ number, and so on).
· A complex selection process takes place, culminating in a decision being made.
· The employment contracts are generated for the applicants who are to be hired.
· The applicant data is transferred to HCM master data.

18. Jelaskan personnel management
Integration between Recruitment and Personnel Administration enables the applicant data to transferred as employee data, which you the
n have to supplement. Employee data is stored in mySAP ERP HCM as infotype records. The data can be displayed, copied, corrected, and deleted.

19. Dimana disimpannya employee data?
Di Master Data, pada Personnel File.
20. Sebutkan tiga cara memaintain infotype
You can maintain infotypes in various ways:
· Single-screen maintenance (one infotype for one person)
· Personnel actions (sequence of infotype for one person)
· Fast entry (one infotype for multiple pers

21. Jelaskan HCM structure
Enterprise Structure – to the – Personnel Structure – to the – Organizational Structur
22. Jelaskan personnel action
Personnel Action: sequence of infotypes to generate complex personel basic data.
23. Berikan contoh infotype
Personal Data : Name, Date of Birth, Address, so on.
24. Jelaskan personnel development
In the Personnel Development component, you can plan and realize personnel development and further education and training for your employees, with integration with Training and Event Management. The personnel development requirements result from a comparison of the requirements of the job and the employee’s existing qualifications.
25. Darimana sumber personnel development?
The personnel development require
ments result from a comparison of the requirements of the job and the employee’s existing qualifications.
26. Jelaskan gambar personnel development

27. Jelaskan training and event management
Training and event management is a highly integrated component that supports you in planning, executing, and managing your training courses and business events.
29. Jelaskan empat proses utama dalam training and event management
1. Preparation of Business Event:
· Business event environment
· Create business event groups
· Create business event types
2. Business event Catalog:
· Create business event dates with and without resources
· Plan business event dates based on requirements
3. Day-to-day Activities:
· Book
· Prebook
· Replace
· Rebook
· Cancel
Business events
o Correspondence
4. Recurring Tasks:
· Firmly book / cancel
· Lock / unlock
· Follow up
Business events
o Carry out appraisals
o Repost costs, allocate activities and issue invoices

30. Jelaskan time management
The Time Management component supports you in all processes that concern planning, recording, and valuating employees’ attendance and absence times.

31. Jelaskan proses time management
Record – Valuate – Use Time Data.
32. Sebutkan cara mencatat time management.
There are various options available for recording time data such as hours worked, vacation, off-site work, or substitutions:
· Online by time administrators (using the Time Manager’s Workplace, for example)
· Using front-end time recording systems
· Using the mySAP ERP Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)
· Using Employee Self-Service applications (ESS)
33. Dimana disimpannya time management?
34. Jelaskan appraisal
The appraisal functionality in Personnel Development supports you with flexible appraisal processes that you can use to carry out standardizes appraisals with the highest level of objectivity.
35. Gambarkan appraisal
· 360 appraisal
· Course appraisals
· Personnel appraisal
· Survey
· Target setting and appraisal
36. Bagaimana mengintegrasikan appraisal dengan mySAP HCM
Integration with mySAP ERP HCM Personnel Development enables you to transfer requirements profiles from positions or qualifications from the qualifications catalogdirectly to your employees’ individual objective-setting agreements.
37. Jelaskan payroll
It encompasses a multitude of processes, such as the creation of payroll result and salary statements, bank transfers, and payment by check. The processes include a number of follow-on activities, such as transferring the result to mySAP ERP Financials.
38. Jelaskan gambaran payroll
39. Jelaskan tahap perhitungan employee remuneration
An employees’ remuneration is calculated in two main steps:
1) Grouping the remuneration elements, that is, the gross payroll.
2) Legal and voluntary deductions, that is, the country-specific net payroll.
40. Jelaskan personnel cost planning
Personnel Cost Planning and simulation can draw from a very wide data basis and can be integrated with other applications. Its supports business processes that reach beyond the boundaries of departments and applications. Information about payment can be derived from various sources to create personnel cost plans.
41. Jelaskan penggunaan personnel cost planning

42. Jelaskan gambar personnel cost planning