Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

soal bab 3

Soal Bab 3

1.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Organizational elements dan tujuannya
Organizational elements adalah suatu aplikasi SAP yang dapat memetakan struktur organisasi suatu perusahaan, tujuan nya agar dapat melihat secara mudah struktur organisasi yg ada dalam perusahaan

2.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Master data dan tujuannya
Master data adalah pusat dari semua aplikasi SAP dan penggunanya tujuannya untuk meninjau apa yang sedang di lakukan. master data juga memiliki aspek organisasi karena informasi yang diatur dalam pandangan yang ditugaskan untuk elemen organisasi.
3.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Transaction  dan tujuannya
Transaksi adalah aplikasi program yang mengeksekusi proses bisnis dalam sistem SAP, tujuannya membuat sales order, mengubah master pelanggan, atau menampilkan laporan daftar order penjualan

4.        Sebutkan unsur-unsur dari organizational element
Client, company code, plant, storage location, sales organization, distribution channel, organizational unti, position

5.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan client
Klien adalah elemen tingkat tertinggi dari semua elemen organisasi yang merupakan kelompok perusahaan / kantor pusat

6.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Company code
Company code merupakan unit akuntansi hukum independen yang mewakili unsur-unsur organisasi sentral akuntansi keuangan

7.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Plant
Plant adalah yang mengatur bidang produksi produk, distribusi produk dan menyediakan layanan untuk produk tersebut

8.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Storage location
Storage location adalah untuk membedakan penyimpanan produk menurut lokasi penyimpanan.

9.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Sales organization
Sales organization adalah elemen organisasi sentral dalam manajemen pesanan penjualan yang mengontrol persyaratan penjualan kepada pelanggan

10.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Distribution channel
Distribution channel adalah untuk menentukan saluran distribusi barang dari tangan produsen ke konsumen

11.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Organizational unit
Unit organisasi menggambarkan berbagai unit bisnis yang ada di perusahaan. Unit tersebut sering  secara longgar didefinisikan sebagai département fungsional atau regional

12.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Position
Position adalah tugas setiap individu yang ada di dalam suatu perusahaan

13.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan IDES
IDES adalah sebuah perusahaan internasional yang tergantung pada kolaborasi dengan mitra bisnis eksternal dan pandangan global.IDES juga merupakan perusahaan manufaktur. Beroperasi di seluruh dunia dan memiliki sejumlah anak perusahaan.

14.    Hubungan master data dengan aplikasi yang ada di SAP
Dalam SAP master data dibuat secara terpusat dan tersedia untuk semua aplikasi dan semua pengguna yang berwenang. Master data juga memiliki aspek organisasi  karena informasi yang diatur dalam pandangan yang ditugaskan untuk elemen organisasi.

15.    Sifat master data
Sifat Master data yaitu terpusat dan selalu disimpan berarti rekaman juga data selalu konsisten, up-to-date.

16.    Sebutkan data yang disimpan dalam master data
sales,purchasing,inventory management,materials planning,invoice verification,finance,and human resources

17.    Jelaskan isi dari customer master data
Costumer master berisi informasi kunci yang mendefinisikan hubungan bisnis antara perusahaan dan pelanggan tersebut. Perusahaan data kode mengontrol prosedur posting dan pengolahan selanjutnya, seperti pembayaran dan data dunning.Sales organisasi yang menyediakan informasi pelanggan untuk eksekusi mendukung proses bisnis seperti memasukkan pesanan penjualan, pengiriman, penagihan, dan pemrosesan pembayaran

18.    Jelaskan tiga struktur dalam customer master
-General Data : Data ini juga relevan untuk setiap kode perusahaan dan setiap organisasi penjualan dalam perusahaan
-Data for Company codes : Data ini mencerminkan khusus perusahaan perjanjian dengan pelanggan.
-Data for Sales : Data ini memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda untuk organisasi perusahaan penjualan dan saluran.

19.    Jelaskan material master
Material master  semua   nformasi penting  perusahaan perlu untuk mengelola bahan dalam organisasinya. Material master mendefinisikan, antara lain bagaimana sebuah produk  ijual, diproduksi, dibeli, diinventarisasi, dicatat, dan dihitung biayanya.

20.    Jelaskan personnel file
Personil file merupakan catatan yang digunakan master data ini digunakan terutama oleh mySAP ERP manajemen Human Capital. Catatan master ini mengikuti dasar yang sama dengan tiga bagian struktur yang ada dalam costumer master.
21.    Jelaskan isi dari personnel file

22.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan organizational unit 
menjelaskan berbagai unit bisnis yang ada di perusahaan Anda. Unit organisasi dapat secara bebas didefinisikan sebaga idépartement fungsional atau regional, atau sebagai kelompok proyek, tergantung pada jenis organisasi.

23.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Jobs
Jobs sebagai deskripsi atau template yang berlaku untuk beberapa posisi dengan persyaratan tugas serupa atau karakteristik lain.

24.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Positions
Positions posisi adalah tugas individu karyawan dalam perusahaan.

25.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Persons
Persons adalah orang yang memegang posisi dalam struktur perusahaan atau orang yang mewakili suatu perusahaan.

26.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan transaction
Transaction adalah aplikasi program yang mengeksekusi proses bisnis SAP system.Bila mungkin, master data akan disalin selama pemrosesan transaksi, sehingga menghindari data kembali masuk.

27.   Bagaimana hubungan antara transaksi dengan dokumen
Setiap kali transaksi dijalankan dalam sistem, maka sebuah dokumen transaksi tersebut dibuat.

System-wide Concepts

Bab 3
System-wide Concepts
·            Lesson Overview
This lesson focuses on the system-wide concepts that underlie the SAP system. These concepts, organizational elements, master data, and transaction, are the basic elements designed and utilized to represent a company’s enterprise structure and business processes within SAP system. Following are brief descriptions of the concepts that will be discussed in more detail in this lesson

·         Master Data
Created centerally and available to all applications and all authorized users, master data also has an orgazational aspect because its information is organized into views that are assigned to organizational elements

·         Transaction
Transaction are application programs that execute business processes in the SAP system. Examples include create sales order, change customer master, or display a sales order’s list report

·         Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
-          State the purpose of an orgazational element in the SAP system
-          Explain the purpose of master data in the SAP system
-         Explain the purpose of transactions in SAP training
-          Explain the use of IDES

·         Business examples
Processes within a company generally take place across departmental boundaries. In global companies, these processes take place across national and company boundaries. In global companies, these processes take place across national and company boundaries. The long-term success of IDES AG, is dependent on collaboration with business partners and a global outlook. IDES wants new orders from customers entered into the SAP system with minimal data entry and maximum data accuracy. IDES must also have a record of all transactions.

·         Organizational Elements
A company’s enterprise structure is mapped to SAP application using organizational elements
-          Client
The client is the highest-level element of all organizational elements ; it  respresents the enterprise/headquarters group
-          Company Code
The company code is a legal independent accounting unit representing the central organizational elements of financial accounting. The company code also represents the tax law (national) view of the company, the fiscal calendar, the local currency, and the tax reporting requirements
-         Plant
A plant can manufacture product, distribute product, or provide a service it is the central organizational unit of production
-          Storage location
Material stocks in inventory management can be differentiated within one plant according to storage location
-          Sales organization
The sales organization is the central organizational element in sales order management that controls the terms of sale to the customer
-          Distribution channel
Distribution channels can be used to define how different products reach consumers, for examples, wholesale
-          Organizational unit
Organizational units describe the various business units that exist in an enterprise. Often unis are loosely defined as functional or regional departments
-          Position
Positions are the individual employee assignments in the enterprise

IDES (International Demonstration and Educational System) is an international company dependent upon collaborations with external business partners and a global outlook.
IDES AG is a manufacturing company. It operates worldwide and has a number of subsidiaries. This company’s processes are using during this training course to demonstrate the solutions provided by SAP
As a model company, IDES has a large number of business branches and branch-spesific subsidiaries. Business processes are fully set up and include all core areas such as purchaising, sales, marketing, and manufacturing
The scenario for the IDES is described in detail below.
As an international company, IDES has several holdings and requires the ability to report ot shareholders on an international bases. Mangement’s goal over the next year is to increase profits. Costing analysis reports, cash management reports, and oberhead cost reports are to be captured to a business intelligence system for management review.
IDES AG produces many products. Products are manufacturaed at a number of production locations worldwide. Global planning ansures that deliveries are made from the nearest distribution center

·         System-Wide Master Data Concepts
In SAP master data is created centrally and available to all applications and all authorized users. Centeraly stored master data means data records are always consistent, up-to-date, and free of redundancy. Master data also has an organizational aspect because its information is organized into views that are assigned to organizational elements. The three-part structure of master records makes it possible to flexibly depict the various organizational structure of an operation

·            Customer Master
 A customer master contains key information that defines the business relationship between a company and its customer. The cutomer master’s “three-part structure” is represented by :
  1. General data: this data is equally relevant to every company code and every sales organization within a company.
  2. Data for company codes: this data reflects company-specific agreements with the customer
  3. Data for sales : this data has different characteristics for a company’s sales organizations and channels
·         Material Master
The material master contains all of the key information a company needs to manage a material within its organization. the material master defines, among other things how a product is sold, manufactured, purchased, inventoried, accounted, and costed.

·         Personnel File
Personnel files are master data records used primarily mySAP ERP Human Capital Management. These master records follow the same basic three-part structure, as do other master records. Personnel files are master data records used primarily mySAP ERP Human Capital Management. These master records follow the same basic three-part structure, as do other master records. The organizational elements used by mySAP HCM are unique and, as a group, they are referred to as organizational management. The function of organizational management enable you to quickly and efficiently map your current organizational and reporting structure with its organizational objects - organizational units, jobs, positions, and tasks.

·         Organizational units
Describe the various business units that exist in your enterprise. Organizational units can be loosely defined as functional or regional departements, or as project groups, depending on the type of organization

·         Jobs
Jobs serve as description, or templates, that apply to several positions with similar requirements, tasks, or other characteristics

·         Positions
Positions are the individual employee assignments in the enterprise. Person occupy positions. A position inherits a job’s characteristics, but you can also define additional characteristics specific to that position.

·         Persons
Persons hold positions within the organizational structure. Persons represent employees in your company

·         Transaction
Transactions are application programs that execute business processes in the SAP system. Whenever possible, master data is copied suring transaction processing, thus avoiding re-entry of data. in addition, when performing each transaction, applicable organizational elements must be entered. Whenever a transaction is executed in the system, a document is created . That document, a data record of the transaction, contains all of the relevant predefined information from the master data and organizational elements

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Using Help

Using Help

SAP Library
All online documentation can be found here.
You can search for definitions of terms in the glossary
Release notes
This display notes that describe functional changes that occur between SAP system
This enables you to log on to SAPNet
Feedback enables you to send a message to the SAPNet front end, the SAP service system
Settings enable you to select setting for help

Field Help
Use F1 for help on fields, menu, functions, and messages. F1 help also provides technical information on the relevant field, including. untuk definisi
Use F4 for information about what values can be entered, for alternative answers.
SAP easy access screen

        Role-Based User menus
SAP offers two formats to display a menu of transactions, reports, oe Web-based applications. These are the SAP standard menu and role-based user menus. The SAP standard menu is a complete list of all possible transactions and reports offered by the system. Role-based user menus are collections of activities ised in business scenarios. Users can access transactions, reports, or web-based applications through their role-based menus. Users can change aspects of roles to which they assigned, for example, by creating their own favorites list

         Terminate or close the SAP to inscribe on a common field
/nend = ends the logon session with a comfirmation pop-up window
/nex = ends the logon session without a confirmation pop-up window

          Menu Bar
The menu bar is the top line of any primary window in the SAP system. The menus shown depend on which application you are y=using. These menus may also contain cascading menus

          Standard Toolbar
The buttons in the standard toolbar are shown on every SAP screen. If certain buttons are not available in an application, the buttons that you cannot use are deactivated. If you place the cursor over a button for a short time, the system displays a flag with the name or function of the button. If appropriate, the corresponding function key setting is also displayed.

          Application toolbar
The application toolbar shows the buttons available I the application that you currently using

          Command field
You can start applications directly by entering their transactions code in the command field. Ypu can find the transaction code for an application either in the overview mnu o the SAP Easy access screen, in the status bar, or in application itself under system à status.

          Status bar
The status bar displays information on the current system status, such as warnings and errors. You can also change the displays variant to show, for example, the transaction code of the transaction you are currently using

Checkboxes allow you to select several options from a group of fields

          Radio Buttons
With radio buttons, you can only select one option

A tab allows you to organize several screen areas to improve clarity and organization of data

          Transaction Code
Every transaction or function in the system has a atransaction code. You can enter the transaction code in the command field to initiate the transaction. This is one of the most direct ways to initiate a transaction.

Menus allow you to find a specific transaction when you do not know the transaction code.the menu is organized according to the task you are performing in the SAP system

         Favorites or User Menus
Finally, you have the ability to set up favorites or user menus, which allow you to navigate directly to transactions, functions, and reports that you use frequently.

          Using transaction codes
You can enter a system transaction code in the command field to go directly to a transaction or function. This is very convenient; provided you know the transaction code for the transaction or function you want. You can find the transaction code by first navigating to a transaction, and then choosing System à status

          Transaction Codes
-        /n               = cancels the current transaction
-        /nXXXX   = intiates the specified transaction directly from another transaction
-        /o               = Displays on overview of sessions
-        /oXXXX   = initiates the specified transaction in a new session
-        /nend         = ends the logon session with a confirmation pop-up window
-        /I                = Deletes your current session

        In SAP easy Access, you can create a favorites list containing ;
-        Transaction
-        Links to files
-        Internet addresses

          Status bar
The status bar provides general information on the SAP system and transaction or task on which you are working. At the left of status bar, system messages are displayed. The right end of the status bar contains there fields : one with server information, and two with status information

Contents status bar
-        Menu bar
-        Standard toolbar
-        System messages
-        System information