Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Bab 1

History of ERP systems
In the 1990’s, the internet began to grow rapidly. New companies developed new application for the internet and the “new economy” was born. These firms became known as “dotcom” campanies. The market changed due to the growth of the internet. As a result, business processes were defined that stretched across company boundaries. Sales orders were not only entered directly in the ERP system, but also in the field by field service employees using mobile devices. These new functions led to the development of new product . such “new dimension products” led to an enhancement of ERP functions.
SAP develop systems for internet purchasing (SAP enterprise buyer), customer service (SAP customer relationship management), and comprehensive planning functions (SAP advanced planning and optimization).irrespective of the internet, comprehensive accounting tools had also become necessary for companies financial data. Data was no longer simply stored in a database, as was the case in a ERP system. At the beginning of 2003, SAP redefined the concept of an ERP system. In the areas of human resources, accounting, and basis technology, it corresponds tp the enhanced solution of the new dimention product. This mySAP ERP solution is compatible with additional components, enabling business processes to be defined on a cross-company level.

mySAP Business Suite
mySAP business suite provides this flexibility in a complete package of open, integrated solution for the entire value chain. Customers, employees, suppliers, and partners are brought together to form one unit in a process that takes almost no time at all. used for large companies.
mySAP All In-One
maySAP All In-One solutions offer out of the box flexibility combined with the power of SAP’s world class business solution. The solution is simple yet powerful, allowing an immediate and complete view of both business operations and costumer activities.  SAP solutions for midsize businesses.
SAP Business One
SAP Business one is an easy to use business and operational management solution for emerging and dynamic business ranging in size from, 10 to several hundred employees. SAP solutions for small businesses.

mySAP Solutions
 mySAP business suite consists of individual SAP solution. Each solution has its own focus area and provides functions to map this area in a flexible and comprehensive way. All solutions are based on SAP NetWeaver technology.

Solutions and Components
Solutions are SAP’s products seen from the point of view of the customer, with an outside-in focus on company processes, components, however, represent SAP’s technical view of software with an inside-out focus. Components are not the actual company solutions, simply the technical building block. Business experiences, strategies, and know how are incoporated in SAP software. The flexibility and comprehensive integration and adaptation options offered by SAP software result in high-performance, industry-specific, and cross-industry e-business solutions.
To differentiate between solutions and components, solutions have the prefix mySAP and components – the (technical) detailed view – have the prefix SAP. For example, mySAP customer relationship management is thesolution that the customer implements. SAP ERP central component, SAP enterprise portals, SAP business information warehouse, and SAP customer relationship management are technical part of this solution.

SAP NetWeaver
SAP’s application and integration platform is the technical foundation for mySAP Business Suite and SAP xApps. It delivers a complete, open, and flexible infrastructure that allows you to easily integrate SAP and non-SAP application.
SAP NetWeaver is divided into four areas
1.people integration
People integration ensures that your employees have the information and function that they requir to perform their work as quickly and efficiently as possible.
2. information integration
Information integration is used to manage all data relevant to companies. This includes data for your own company and data relating to third parties.
3. process integration
Process integration ensure that business processes run across system boundaries in a heeterogeneous system landscape.

SAP NetWeaver components
-        SAP ALL                                                        - SAP SOLUTION MANAGER
-        SAP XI                   - SAP EP                       - SAP BW
-        SAP MI                                                         - SAP MDM

mySAP ERP allows companies to again better control of their administrative and operations environment and increase efficiency and profitability.
mySAP ERP Financials
The aim if this solution is to utilize a companiy’s funds effectively and, therefore, increase profitability in the long term.
mySAP ERP Human Capital Management
mySAP ERP HSM enables to utilize them effectively toward the success of your campany. This solution covers all aspects of human resource, from recruitment and training though payroll.
mySAP Customer Relationship Management
mySAP CRM is a solution that puts the customer firs. The customer can contact companies through a number of communication channels.
mySAP Product Lifecycle Management
This solution offers functions for product development, product dafety, quality, and maintenance.
mySAP Supply Chain Management
Supply chains do not end at the werehouse doors. You can use mySAP SCM to plan and optimize supply chains across company boundaries.
mySAP Supplier Relationship Management
Procurement over the internet and marketplaces are only two ways to optimize purchasing. Employees can use this solution to provide procurement with information abaout demand directly from their work centers quickly, easily, and effectively.

More than 20 industry solutions are available today. Among these are solutions for:
Logistics Servive Providers
Oil and Gas
Public Sector

      SAP xApps
SAP xApps are a new breed of applications that enable you to drive improvements and innovations in your company more easly, with their ability to combine existing, heterogeneous system to form croos-functional precesses, SAP xApps bring people, information, and business processes together to make your company more dynamic and competitive. This flexibility allows you to implement business-wide strategies more easly and efficiently. SAP xApps increase the value of existing investments in the core business area and maximize the return on strategic assets, including employees, knowledge, products, business relationship, and information technology.
      The defining characteristics of SAP xApps are:
-        Cross-fuctional
-        Composite
-        Cross-system
-        Information-driven
       Some examples of available xApps
-         SAP xApp Cost and Quotation Management (SAP xCQM)
-         SAP xApp Resource and portfolio management (SAP xRPM)
-         SAP xApp Product Definition (SAP xPD)
-        SAP xApp Emissions Management (SP xEM)

       SAP is a solutions company
Business experience, strategy, and know how are intangibles, which, bundled together with the  vast flexibility, integration, and customizing potential of SAP software, have resulted in more powerfull e-business solution within specific industries and across industry borders.
           mySAP solution platforms are open and flexible
is true because mySAP solution platforms support database, applications, operating systems, and hardware from almost every major vendor.
            All of the mySAP solutions are role-based
Is true because all of the processes within the SAP systems are mapped back to user roles. The mySAP Enterprise Portal let you customize your interface so that you can perform tasks associated with your rule

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